
Showing posts from June, 2019

Media Blog Reflection

This class hasn't really changed my perspective on media, just reinforced ideas that I already had. It's common knowledge that media can have numerous negative impacts on people, especially people as easily influenced as teenagers. The stereotypes and bad habits portrayed in the things we watch make it more likely for us to become those stereotypes, to implement those bad habits. I'm not one to cut myself off from media because of these negative impacts- rather, being aware of them can help one stay away from them. I watch TV almost every night as a way to relax and unwind. I try to focus on the stories and the depth of the characters rather than the surface level of a show. I listen to music constantly, and do find myself behaving like I think the song dictates or how the singer would act, but I think this has more to do with my moods choosing the song, not the other way around. Keeping this blog has helped me think deeper about everything around me, which is good and b...

Big Mouth

Big Mouth is an animated show that came out in 2017 commenting on adolescence and the struggles of growing up in this modern day and age. I think this show is extremely clever in the way that it takes normal, often very un-amusing situations and turns them into comical experiences that seem absolutely ridiculous. The main example of this is the manifestation of "puberty" as furry monsters that accompany their assigned teen or preteen on their journey to adulthood. They can only be seen by other teens who have hit puberty, which is a joke in itself, and try to influence the kids to act like the stereotypical hormonal girl or boy. For example, the female hormone monster, Connie, eggs Jessie (the main girl character) to steal from a store to deal with her feelings about her parents getting divorced. The way the writers made the hormone monsters the bad guys while making them lovable and the comic relief simultaneously was a stroke of genius. Taking real experiences, real l...